Modern Slavery Statement
Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking statement as required under Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act
“Thetrustedcommercial”, “us”, “we” or “our”) , are committed to ensuring that all of its business dealings are carried out in full compliance with relevant laws and, in doing so, we endorse the implementation and promotion of ethical business practices to protect workers from being abused and exploited both within Thetrustedcommercial and its supply chains. Thetrustedcommercial is committed to improving our practices to combat modern slavery and human trafficking and continues to take significant steps to promote and improve our ongoing commitment to eliminating abuse and exploitation in the workplace as detailed in this Statement.
Our supply chains include manufacturing, providing software, computing and communication infrastructure services, marketing services, Apprenticeship Training, building cleaning , construction and others
As procurement is a centralized function TheTrustedcommercial is able to implement the due diligence and contractual processes referred to below to give effect to TheTrustedcommercial ’s Modern Slavery Policy
We are committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains or in any part of our business. Our Modern Slavery policy reflects our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective due diligence and contractual compliance to ensure modern slavery and human trafficking is not taking place anywhere in our supply chain and a copy of our Policy can be provided on request.
TheTrustedcommercial has identified the following areas of the business and or supply chain as being areas which carry the highest susceptibility to the risk of employing slave or trafficked labour: all manufacturing processes or other processes where low skilled labour is required or managed eg cleaning/security / gateline staff (“At Risk Functions” / “ARFs”).
In order to mitigate the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking occurring in our supply chains TheTrustedcommercial has a Procurement Policy and the Standard Terms of Purchase for Goods and Services are being updated to include specific obligations under the Act on our Suppliers.
We have zero tolerance to modern slavery and human trafficking. To ensure all those in our supply chain and contractors support our values on this subject we require our Suppliers to abide by our Modern Slavery policy (or their own equivalent) via our contract terms.
Outsourced ARFs – Where an ARF is outsourced we have identified training resources to suit our business and we provide training to those who procure the ARF and those employees who manage the delivery of the ARF. We have also updated our standard contract terms in order that, when signed, Suppliers will be contractually obliged to provide analogous training to their staff who are engaged in the supply of services to TheTrustedcommercial.
Self-Provided ARFs – Where the ARF is provided “in-house” we have identified training resources to suit our business and we provide training to all those involved in the establishment and delivery of that ARF.
All staff have access to a whistleblowing process which will allow them to report any concerns that they may have in a confidential and secure manner.
This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our modern slavery and human trafficking statement.
By His Majesty THE KING OF THE WORLD EMPIRE Evrad Kameugne Kounchou Founder and Owner of The Trusted Commercial (
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